New EFL Teacher Blog Features Added
Regular readers of this Foreign Language Learning and Teaching English as a Foreign Language blog will at once notice that the site now has a new “look” and several new features added. This is an effort to make this blog even more informative and useful to both EFL teachers and English as a foreign language learners. Briefly, I’ll mention the current new features and explain their use and purpose.
ELT Blog Photo Gallery
Here you’ll find a scrollable selection of photos and images using as graphic support for article posts on this blog. See an interesting picture? Just click on it and you’ll be taken to the article that it’s used in as pictorial support for the topic.
Subscribe to Blog Here
Want to easily subscribe to this blog and get regular, automatic feeds when new posts are made? Just click on the appropriate link to quickly sign up to receive all regular posts and / or comments made to article posts on this blog. It’s quick. It’s simple, It’s easy. Become a regular follower of this blog today and receive free e-books and EFL / ESL teaching materials.
Only Wire
In order to distribute the EFL teaching and foreign language learning related article posts on this blog, I’ve enabled the Only Wire Social Book marking site widget and logo. This blog is now regularly read by thousands of your colleagues and peers in 135 countries world wide and growing each month.
Addition of Skribit
On the left in the column below “Followers”, I have now added a Skribit widget.
This allows a place where readers of this blog can make immediate comments and suggestions on what they would like to see covered as topics, themes and relevant article posts on this Language Learning and Teaching English as a Foreign Language blog.
For comments on individual blog posts, readers can and should still write their comments by clicking on “comments” below the article post itself.
Language Learning News
Another addition is the automatic feed posting each day of language learning related news from around the globe through a Google News feed directly into this site. Simply click on any news feed article title to be whisked instantly to the full online text of that news article no matter what or where its source may be. Now you can keep up with what’s happening with language learning world wide with just a mouse click or two daily.
Are there other features you’d be interested in or would like to have available in order to make your experience of reading this blog more interesting and informative for you? Just let me know through the “Skribit” feature and I’ll get right to it!
Thanks for your continued patronage of my blog. I sincerely hope you find these new added features interesting, informative and useful.
See you next post.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, author and speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 135 countries worldwide. Get your FREE, pdf format report on CD or via e-mail, "If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here’s What You Need to Know" by requesting the title at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com
Hi Larry!
I've just been taking a look around - great stuff here and congratulations on the new look. I'll be following you more with interest now that I am in the blogosphere!
Larry - Just discovered your blog, and I really like it. You have mastered a new of practical techniques that I need to learn. Thank you for sharing your tips.
As a fellow English teacher, curriculum writer, and ezine specialist, we seem to be swimming in very similar waters.
Consider me very impressed.
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