Christmas Holiday Shopping Days
November 24th – “Black Friday” – the day after Thanksgiving, you have time off from work on Friday and Saturday too. This is the official start of the Christmas holiday shopping season. Stores will be open 3 to 4 hours earlier and they’ll start to close later and later. The Christmas holiday sales now get underway. Now’s the first time that some Winter and Christmas holiday season items will be available in stores. I’m definitely NOT going to be among the loonies who are up before the crack of dawn to get in line for a wild dash for that “insanely-low price electronic item avertised on TV all Thanksgiving weekend or the latest “Kiddie-fad” toy or doll. Black Friday is the second single biggest shopping day for retailers and got its name because so much shopping was done on this day that it could turn the financial tide for many stores and “put them in the black” economically.
December 2nd – the First Saturday of December – The weekends from now on are important because they mean more free time for Christmas holiday shopping. Early Christmas holiday shoppers are usuaklly more than halfway through their Christmas holiday shopping list. Other shoppers are just started with browsing for specials, sales and the most requested gifts on their Christmas holiday shopping lists.
December 3rd – the First Sunday of December – This weekend some early Christmas holiday shopping can be started but many of the stores close earlier than usual on Sundays.
December 7th – Pearl Harbor Day (in the USA) – This day is a very important one to World War II veterans who solemnly remember it. My old uncle and Grandfasther practically can’t shut up about it. The President of the U.S. often gives a speech to a Veterans group and lays a wreath at the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" (pictured) in honor of those who died on Pearl Harbor Day and during the two World Wars.
December 9th – the Second Saturday in December – Now there are two full weeks to go before Christmas Day. Can you believe it? Where did the time go and where did this whole year go? You’re starting to hear more of, “Have you finished all your Christmas shopping yet?” NO. I’ll simply have to speed up my Christmas holiday shopping or panic now and avoid the last minute rush. You’re running out of time for everything yopu need to do plus having quality Christmas holiday time with your family is getting to be more nightmare than dream.
December 10th – the Second Sunday in December – Hey, you’ve got to go to church if you haven't been attending so that you won't look like a “Christmas-only church attendee” You’ll also need to squeeze in some more Christmas holiday shopping and you absolutely have to start mailing the family Christmas greeting cards this week.
December 16th – the Third Saturday of December, the First Day of Hanukkah – Can you believe that there's only one more week left before Christmas Day? We’ve got to oput together a shopping list for Christmas Eve and finalize our Christmas family dinner preparations.
December 17th – the Third Sunday in December – Now, it’s exactly one week before Christmas Day. We’ll need to make sure that all Christmas presents are safely hidden away and are still a surprise. We’ll also make our final preparations and plans for the family dinner on Christmas Day this year.
December 21st – Oh my goodness!!! Only three more days to go before Christmas. I need to do last minute preparations and planning and to get as many action items as possible out of the way, plus finish all my Christmas holiday and supermarket shopping. Any final preparatory tasks will go to family members as needed. Finally, I’ll need to go over my plans for Christmas holiday Dinner and celebrations.
December 22nd – the First Day of Winter – Is all yet lost? You still have a mountain of shopping to get done! You can’t even think about going to the mall next weekend. Pray for a miracle to get you through your the last crunch of your Christmas holiday shopping at last.
December 23rd – the Last Saturday before Christmas Day – This is Now The Single Biggest Shopping Day of the Year! The mall is just of shoppers who are absolutely crazy and there are no sales people around. They’d be crazy to fight that mob. The part-timers all quit to get their last minute Christmas holiday shopping done. It's an absolute “zoo” everywhere – on the roads, in the supermarket, at shopping centers, lines for ATM machines, even at the gas station people are honking, and screaming at the attendants. But you know what … I found this lady who makes hand-crafted porcelains and bought a huge load of my special-items gifts from her with NO line to stand in.
December 24th – It’s Christmas Eve – All the city, even downtown and the malls are glorious. The holiday lighting displays are wonderful and magical this time of year. Many people will go to a catholic Midnight Mass. Don’t you think that the Christmas holidays are the most marvelous season of the year?
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, author and speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 135 countries worldwide. Get your FREE, pdf format report on CD or via e-mail, "If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here’s What You Need to Know" by requesting the title at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com
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