Few, Limited or No Resources for English Language Teaching
Where to go for up-to-date, relevant English as a foreign language information and resources is a constant concern for many ELT professionals around the world. Some countries may have few, limited or no resources for English language teaching. Budgets may be tight or even non-existent. So what’s the enterprising EFL teacher to do? Check into the internet, that’s what. But with billions of pages all vying for our attention, how can you choose the best, most informative places to go? Well, here’s a starter list of useful websites for English as a foreign language teachers.
Here are Some Useful Websites for English as a Foreign Language Teachers
• http://www.seriousteachers.com/
If you want to get an English as a foreign language teaching job abroad FAST – then register here and start packing. Once you have your CV, diplomas and certificates uploaded to their free site and submitted you’ll start getting offers as soon as the same day. You can search hundreds of jobs in dozens of countries and apply for positions with a single mouse click.
• www.quia.com
Looking for ideas for your English or other foreign language classes? How about more than 100 free activities online for your EFL learners? Want to host a web quest, class sessions or exam online? It’s all here at this premiere teaching website. There is a free section to try out. Full access is a nominal, affordable fee per year.
• www.puzzlemaker.com
This is my favorite go-to site for creating my own games and puzzles online. It’s free (my favorite price for ELT materials) and you can copy and save puzzles to print out and use later or to make copies for the learners.
• One Stop English
A useful site for both EFL teachers and language learners alike, this is another good site from my list. There are activities, games and materials for English language teachers which will serve for learners of practically any level.
• Dave’s ESL CafĂ©
Dave Sperling’s site is another great site that’s been around for awhile now. Primarily known as a website for finding EFL teaching positions world wide with special posting boards for China, Korea and international EFL jobs, there are also some good activities, games and exercises for learners to work with too. The ELT forum is interesting and active too with feedback from your ELT peers from the “four corners of the earth”. (Yes, I know the earth is round, thank you.)
Billions of Websites Online
Certainly, with billions of websites online, there are a multitude of available, blogs, articles, posts, forums and other resources for English language teachers from which to choose. We’ve started a concise list here which will continue to grow. If you have a favorite site or online resource you’d like to share, please post it in the comments section to help your fellow EFL teachers. In the next article post we’ll continue with more useful websites for EFL teachers. See you then.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, author and speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 100 countries. Get your FREE E-book,"If you Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know" by requesting the title at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com Need a blogger or copywriter to promote your school, institution, service or business or an experienced writer and vibrant SEO content for your website, blog or newsletter? Then E-mail me for further information.
Can never turn down a free link!
TEFLtastic blog- "All the truth that's fit to teach"- www.tefl.net/alexcase
I think you're on my links already, but if not I'll stick you on right away
As a language school human resources director, I have to take exception to your listing of SeriousTeachers.com as a good site. In my experience, I have posted 1 job ad on their site for the "free trial". Within 2 days, I received over 60 "form emails" about "interested teachers" though nowhere in the email was the teacher speaking directly to us about our ad. That being said, EVERY link in the email redirected me to a "pay" page to contact any teacher on the list. Funny enough, when we actually did contact some of the teachers, they had no idea who we were and after being directed to our ad, they stated they were not interested.
To me, this is a scam...they bait schools with 'interested' applicants and then ask for money to contact them. In addition, they allow absolutely NO information whatsoever to be communicated...with or without contact information.
As a language school human resources director, I have to take exception to your listing of SeriousTeachers.com as a good site. In my experience, I have posted 1 job ad on their site for the "free trial". Within 2 days, I received over 60 "form emails" about "interested teachers" though nowhere in the email was the teacher speaking directly to us about our ad. That being said, EVERY link in the email redirected me to a "pay" page to contact any teacher on the list. Funny enough, when we actually did contact some of the teachers, they had no idea who we were and after being directed to our ad, they stated they were not interested.
To me, this is a scam...they bait schools with 'interested' applicants and then ask for money to contact them. In addition, they allow absolutely NO information whatsoever to be communicated...with or without contact information.
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