US ambassador pledges support to English language learning in Angola
Luanda - The US ambassador to Angola, Dan Mozena, on Saturday in Luanda said that his diplomatic representation has an active program for supporting the teaching of English language in this country, which includes the donation of learning material and the offer of scholarships.
The US diplomat was speaking at the closing ceremony of the 5th International Conference on the Teaching of English Language, which lasted five days.
According to the diplomat, who chaired the event, this year the US Embassy will send a specialized English teacher to the Education Sciences Higher Institute (ISCED).
The diplomat also said that he has already spoken with the Angolan government about the possibility of implementing a program that would enable American volunteers to come to Angola to teach English in secondary schools countrywide.
On the other hand, he considered Angola a promising country, which will in the future provide better quality of living to its citizens and become a pillar of peace and stability in Africa.
Dan Mozena explained that the spread of the English language in Angola will increase its potential in the world economy, not only in crude-oil and diamonds production, but also in international trade in general, as well as strengthen the relationship with its regional neighbors.
The English language, he said, will also bring some advantage to the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) when they eventually participate in international peace-keeping operations.
The conference was attended by about 300 English teachers from Luanda Province.
Meanwhile on Monday will start another seminar for English teachers from the province of Malanje, afterwards it will be for teachers from Huambo and Cabinda.
The gathering was marked by the handover of certificates and the reading of poems in English.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, author and speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 135 countries worldwide. Get your FREE, pdf format report on CD or via e-mail, "If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here’s What You Need to Know" by requesting the title at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com
1 comment:
This is wonderful news. Thank you.
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