Development of Good English Language Speaking Skills
When you say that you “know” a language, this more likely than not expressly means that you are able to both speak and understand that language. Even if you don’t read and write the foreign language as well as you speak it, you can still say that you know that language. So then, development of good English or other foreign language speaking and listening comprehension skills is of paramount importance. It follows then, that you need to minimize or eliminate any habits which might be potential barriers to the development of good English or other foreign language speaking skills.
Bad Habits That Spoil the Development of Language Speaking Skills
Do YOU or any of your learners have any of the following bad habits? They are some highly counter-productive habits which can foster poor development of English or other foreign language speaking skills. Every effort should be made on the part of both the English or foreign language teacher and EFL learner to avoid them while speaking.
1. Chewing Gum While Speaking
Whatever the ages of your learners, they simply should not be chewing gum while engaged in English or other foreign language learning speaking practice. It distracts from proper formation of the speech-production organs and structures. Get learners into the habit of throwing away chewing gum before entering your English as a foreign language classes. The same holds true for hard candy and lollipops.
2. Holding Any Foreign Object in the teeth, Lips or Mouth
Are you, or any of your English language learners in the habit of pencil, pen or perhaps toothpick chewing? You’ll then need to find a strategy to cease and desist from the practice – at the very least, during English or other foreign language classes. Learners should be speaking in an on-going manner throughout English class. It’s important then, to shut down this type of habit during the entire English or other foreign language class.
3. Thumb-Sucking
Even though I teach at a university, believe it or not, I still get an occasional case of habitual thumb-sucking among my English as a foreign language learners. Once a person reaches adolescence or even adulthood, if can be a tough habit to halt. You’ll have to tackle the challenge though, at least during your English or other foreign language classes. Not only does it impair proper pronunciation of many labial, palatal and fricative sounds, but makes plosive and dental combination diphthongs, triphthongs and combination sounds virtually impossible to do. Ultimately, thumb-sucking can deform the proper formation and alignment of the teeth, soft palate and alveolar ridge, all of which are essential to good speaking and pronunciation skills.
More Bad Habits That Spoil the Development of Good English Language Speaking Skills
In this part one article post, we began a discussion of seven bad habits which spoil the development of good English or other foreign language speaking skills. In the following second part, we’ll continue with some additional aspects to be considered when teaching and learning to speak English or another foreign language.
See you then.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, author and speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 100 countries. Get your FREE E-book,"If you Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know" by requesting the title at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com Need a blogger or copywriter to promote your school, institution, service or business or an experienced writer and vibrant SEO content for your website, blog or newsletter? Then E-mail me for further information.
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