Travel to Try New Foods
We said in the previous companion article that travel and teaching English as a foreign language abroad are some of the most interesting and mind-altering experiences we can have. We travel to meet new people, to experience new cultures, to see bold new sights and to try new foods. We need to be wary of some “exotic” foods though. You want to avoid turning your dream trip into a nightmare. Truly the quantities of bacteria, protozoa, molds, fungi and parasites that can be ingested through food and drink are mind-boggling.
Here Are Three More Foods to Be Wary of When Traveling Abroad
• Raw, Uncooked Foods
Here we go again. Guess what one of the reasons for cooking foods is? Yup, you’re right. One of them is to kill germs, protozoa, bacteria and other unwanted micro-organisms that are in the things we eat for food. Unless you’re sure of the source and treatment of what you’re about to eat, be very wary of seviches, escabiches, sushis, sushimis and other raw, uncooked or partially cooked foods while abroad. And don’t think that just because it’s “pricey” or served in a “good” restaurant or hotel, that it can’t “get you”. One of my worst cases of shellfish poisoning was when I ate from a seafood bar at a well-known Atlantic City Resort.
• Stale Foods and Condiments
How old is the “salsa” that you’re about to pour on your food? Has it been sitting there since it was made yesterday, last week or even, gulp, before…? If condiments are sitting out they are subject to insects, bacteria and molds. The longer they’re “out” the “deadlier” they can become. Bread, rolls, jellies, marmalades and jams, among other condiments are always suspect in my book. This is especially true when abroad where health and food standards may be “compromised”.
• Local “Delicacies”
We’re all tempted to try some local “delicacies” while abroad. Never mind how they tease you, insist on knowing what it is you’re going to be eating. How it’s prepared and how “fresh” it is or how recently it was prepared. I’m also extremely prejudiced against any dish made with blood or with blood products in or on it. In the Holy Bible books of Genesis 9:4 and Leviticus 7:26, Jehovah God distinctly says, “And you must not eat any blood in any places where you dwell, whether that of fowl or that of beast”.
Take heed. Be safe. Watch what you eat and drink.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, author and speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 100 countries. Get your FREE E-book, "If you Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know" by requesting the title at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com Need a blogger or copywriter to promote your school, institution, service or business or an experienced writer and vibrant SEO content for your website, blog or newsletter? Then E-mail me for further information.
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