We're picking up from Peter Pan here. As English language teaching professionals and writers, let’s continue to show some creativity as we began in the first part of this series. How about a few twists in the plots to make the story less predictable? How about a unique twist or change in the ending, characters, intent, personality or plot? It’s been done before. So pick one, two or more, put your thinking (and writer) cap on, free your muse and allow your creativity full reign. Why should H.C. Anderson, Mother G., that
This one’s already been re-done a slew of times but they still haven’t gotten it right! Surely you can put in a couple of good plot twists, and a surprise ending that’ll keep readers on their toes. My Fairy Godmother grants me a “wish” and you think I’m gonna ask for clothes? Get outta here! I can think of a few other things to wish for under those conditions. Man, what Alfred Hitchcock could do with a plot like that! He’d have Cindy take care of her situation in some very “special” ways. How about you? What would YOU have Cindy do? My devious little mind is already puttering away with ideas for that “Stepmother” and her offal. (Pun intended - No, stop that!)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Now we all know that child protection services, civil rights act defenders, the ACLU, the NAACP, labor unions, Amnesty International, the FBI, CIA and a host of other government, religious and private agencies would have a field day with this one. This story would certainly be a challenge to work on. Let’s see, a comedy twist, change of venue, plot reversal, perhaps a ticklish murder mystery? (Has anyone seen or heard from “Sneezy” lately?) How about a “gangster” version called “Get Grumpy”. The English language teaching and learning possibilities boggle the mind. Why don’t you take a stab (pun intended) at this story?
What’ll it be then? Humor, mystery, adult, crime, science fiction, western, drama, weird, whimsy or even raw, stark naked terror strike your fancy? Come up with your own alternative fractured fairy tale version. It’ll not only be a challenge, and loads of fun, but an immeasurable boost to your creativity as you weave, cavort, shoot, stab, stumble, plot, whinny and twist your way through as yet uncharted territory – for you. Fractured fairy tale versions abound online (no peeking now!) but whip and work your muse to develop new strains of tired old themes. Let me know how you make out. (Oops, no pun intended)
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an English language teaching and learning expert author and university professor in
Achieving creativity implies a lot of work to do, it is not so easy for everybody doing it or I would better say that exploring it is even more difficult. Students like to imagine things, create new worlds, and explore what they do not know or want to know. Thus, as soon as you (ELT) get it in the students take advantage of it. Re-Tell a Tale or change the ending, characters, intent, personality or plot as you mentioned would be an excellent tool in keeping alive the students’ creativity, so in this way the learning process can be easier.
Well, I had a great experience with this fantastic advise because I practice this with my student´s from 7th grade I worked with Re-Tell a Tale named Peter Pan and my students were fascinating with this story All of them wanted to participate and they create new endigs for the story and they make pictures, they create conversations and I know that I had to worked harder but It was Amazing.It is useful for all of us.
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