We noted previously that a day or weekend retreat in
photo: An evening stroll along main thoroughfare, Costera Miguel Aleman, in
To keep up with the local and latest national / international news you can read one of
Less extensive internationally but with good regional and local coverage is found in “Novedades Acapulco”, a daily, family-oriented paper available city-wide for 5 pesos. (website: www.aca-novenet.com.mx )
For up-to-date regional news for the Mexican state of Guerrero, “Diario Guerrero” is the paper to read. It isn’t web based, and features political news and events for the four pesos you plunk down. For sending commentary or just putting in your two cents worth, you can e-mail: diario17@prodigy.net.mx
You’re kidding, right? Well. If you’re NOT kidding, here are some suggested sites to give you a modicum of ideas.
An over-abundance of information exists on things to do and see, as well as places to drop a few bucks in the city. With more than 10,000 operating websites to provide ideas, you’ll be up to your eyeballs on the web for weeks. We’re listing a few of the better ones to help start you off. One place for you to start is the Frommer website giving an overview and some useful general information at: http://www.frommers.com/destinations/acapulco/
Fodor’s website is also a good one to take a look at with detailed info and maps to give a good overview of the city, its environs and an avalanche of optional activities. Visit them at: http://www.fodors.com/miniguides/mgresults.cfm?destination=acapulco@7 or start at their homepage: www.fodors.com
So if you’re considering teaching English as a foreign language abroad, consider
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an English language teaching and learning expert author and university professor in
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