If you teach English as a foreign language in Mexico, Oaxaca is one state you shouldn't miss. In this series, here is more information on this fascinating area.
Here is a list of cities and travel times by first class bus. Prices given are for a one way ticket. Where prices are not given, prices vary widely depending on bus route and bus company :
Merida 18 hours 501 pesos
Cancun 20 hours Prices vary depending on bus
San Cristobal 12 hours $221 pesos
Tuxtla Gutierrez 10 hours Prices vary depending on bus
Mexico City 6 hours 241 pesos
Veracruz hours Prices vary depending on bus
Villahermosa 10 hours 239 pesos
Puebla 5 hours Prices vary depending on bus
NOTE: Whenever possible, make reservations and purchase bus tickets at least one or two days in advance to be assured of getting a seat. Oaxaca is a heavily traveled city. Use the first-class bus terminal, located at Heroes de Chapultepec No. 1036, for first class and deluxe buses. The second class bus terminal, located about one kilometer west of the zocalo along Trujano or Las Casas, is almost always jam-packed with people. It is a haven for thieves, pickpockets, con artists and muggers. It is NOT recommended for inexperienced or non-Spanish speaking travelers.
TAKING A TAXI: Most taxi rides within the city center, including from the CAME (ADO) first class bus terminal to the zocalo and from the zocalo to distant points in and around the city should cost around 30 or 40 pesos at most.
Tourist information can be acquired free from the main tourist information
office on Avenida Independencia, No. 607 (Tel. 514-3054) across the street
from the Alameda Plaza next to the cathedral. Information including city
maps, tours, cultural events, day trips, hotels and restaurants, is
provided for the asking but there may or may not be an English speaking
staff member available.
There is a second tourist information office location which frequently has
different information available than the first. It's at 5 de Mayo, No.
200 (Tel. 516-4828). They also distribute the two free English language
newspapers of the area; the "Oaxaca Times" and "Oaxaca". In addition,
there's a hefty help-yourself rack chockfull of brochures, ads, tour
offers, and other worthwhile information. So be sure to take your time,
look at everything and stock up on information while you're there.
*Please Note: All information, while accurate at the time of acquisition, is subject to change.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, author and speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 125 countries worldwide. Get your FREE, pdf format report on CD or via e-mail, "Creative, Dynamic Ways to Motivate and Teach English as a Foreign Language to Diverse Groups of Reluctant Learners" by requesting the title at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com
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