Let’s Get Started Reading Your Way to Foreign Language Fluency
In this part two we now get into more precise details of what you’ll need to do in order to effectively read your way to foreign language fluency in 30 days or less. Either online or an actual printed newspaper, if available in your target foreign language, will get you started nicely.
Read the Newspaper Aloud Daily
Get a newspaper in your target language, in our example case Spanish. Read articles from it aloud – daily. Do this for at least one hour daily in sessions of 15 minutes or 30 minutes if necessary. If your schedule allows time for more; 90 minutes or a couple of hours or so of reading aloud daily, then do it when you can. Remember, you’re only going to keep this up for 30 days at the most. Start off by reading a short article or classified ad aloud and be sure to record yourself doing so. You’ll use the recording later to prove to yourself that this technique actually does work. And yes, it really does work and work quite well, as a matter of fact. Just be sure to read each and every day, without fail, for the entire 30-day period. Record yourself (digitally or on cassette tape) no more than once at the end of each week. When your 30-day period is up, record yourself at the end of the month. Now listen to the first recording you made of yourself and then compare it to your latest recording. After listening to and comparing both, feel free to grin like a Cheshire cat and generously pat yourself on the back as much as you’d like. You deserve it.
Where to Get the Reading Materials
If you happen to live in a location where Spanish or your target foreign language newspapers are not available, don’t fret. Just go online and dig up one or two. For Spanish as a second or foreign language, here are some online Spanish daily newspapers for starters:
1. El País (España)
2. La Nación (La Argentina)
3. El Pais (Colombia)
4. El Tiempo (Colombia)
5. El Universo (Ecuador)
6. El Nacional (Venezuela)
7. El Siglo (Panamá)
8. El Clarín (La Argentina)
9. Listín Diario (La Repúbica Dominicana)
10. El Nuevo Día (Puerto Rico)
An Interesting, Fun and Informative Exercise
This can truly be quite a fun and informative exercise when done regularly, as your foreign language skills grow almost daily. Not only will your Spanish or other foreign language vocabulary, pronunciation and communicative skills rocket skyward, but you’ll be developing an in-depth knowledge of the foreign language in context along with geography, cultural and lifestyle elements too if you focus on a particular country. Do the crossword puzzles, read the comics, check out the classifieds and try out the recipes too. Just remember to have lots of fun and enjoy the experience. If you need any assistance or would like more suggestions, just drop me an e-mail. I’ll be happy to help if I can.
Good Luck.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, prolific writer, author and public speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 100 countries. Get your FREE E-book, "If you Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know" by requesting the title at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com Need a blogger or copywriter to promote your school, institution, service or business or an experienced writer and vibrant SEO content for your website, blog or newsletter? Then E-mail me for further information.
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