Are You Still Struggling to Teach English?
Are you still struggling to teach English to unmotivated, reluctant LEP learners? Well don’t blame them entirely just yet. Try making your EFL classes more dynamic using activities, strategies and techniques presented in this brief EFL teacher education article post. From creative uses of music, dynamic ELT games, speaking-practice dramas, CALL and others, these practical, fast-paced activity types always seem to motivate even the most Limited English Proficiency and reluctant EFL learners to greater participation, language practice and skills acquisition.
A Series of Dynamics
These activity types will step participants actively through a series of ELT (English Language Teaching) dynamics of up to six activity types that always seem to motivate EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners who may be reluctant to practice English or be LEP (Limited English Proficiency) learners. First, examine and reflect on some of the possible intrinsic and extrinsic causes of poor EFL learner motivation on the part of your learners. Then, select activity types based on the impact on student learning styles, preferences and abilities of your class groups.
Activities and materials selected primarily include the use, application and theoretical basis of:
1. Music, Songs and Poetry C. Graham (1994) and H. Gardner (1993)
2. Dynamic ELT Games, and Puzzles H. Gardner (1993)
“Theory of Multiple Intelligences”
3. Drama and Story-Telling P. Lazear et al, (2003) and A. Wright (1995)
4. Computer-Aided Language Learning G. Dudeney et al (2004)
5. Movies / Videos “Affective Filter Hypothesis” Krashen - Terrell (1983)
6. TPR Total Physical Response, Asher (1996)
A Simple Sequence
Learners / participants are organized into pairs or small groups, depending on their numbers and their particular interests and levels or EFL profiles.
-Next, a variety of dynamics-based activities and materials types proceeding to participant hands-on activities to practice and internalize themes using each of the main materials types.
Example activities and materials types are demonstrated, created, and adapted using available facilities (i.e., TV – VCR / DVD player, audio cassette or CD player, and OHP-overhead transparency projector) to meet the needs and interests of learner / participants.
Presented activities and materials can be adapted to suit groups of EFL learners from Primary / Secondary school up to language institute or university levels.
In an upcoming series, we’ll consider each of these dynamic EFL activity types in greater detail. Reviewing English or other foreign language teaching and learning specifics for the classroom application of each one regardless of the available resources (or lack thereof) a school, language institute or ESL class room may have.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, author and speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 100 countries. Get your FREE E-book,"If you Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know" by requesting the title at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com Need a blogger or copywriter to promote your school, institution, service or business or an experienced writer and vibrant SEO content for your website, blog or newsletter? Then E-mail me for further information.
1 comment:
Great English Learning Blog..I agree that Activities Motivate to learn...Thank you for sharing this english as a Foreign language.
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